Is Running Worth It?

Running. The word alone can stir up a mix of emotions—from exhilaration to dread, from peace to discomfort. I used to call myself the self-proclaimed president of the I f*cking hate running club. I never thought I’d willingly and enthusiastically one day be a runner. But that’s most runners. Some people start running young and love it. Others have complicated histories with running and working out and are shocked to discover that it isn’t this horrific thing they thought it was. If you’re contemplating whether lacing up those running shoes is worth it, you’re in the right place. I can tell you that running has the potential to change your life in ways you never imagined. Let’s dive into the many facets of running and unpack whether or not running is worth it.

The Sense of Accomplishment

There’s something indescribably powerful about setting a goal that feels just out of reach (or downright INSANE) and then achieving it. Whether it's running your first mile without stopping, completing a 5K, or crossing the finish line of a marathon, running gives you tangible milestones to celebrate. It teaches you to push past your limits and redefine what you thought was possible. The sense of accomplishment you feel after a run—especially a challenging one—is unmatched. It’s a reminder that you are stronger and more capable than you ever realized.

But the best part? It’s a great helper to therapy. In therapy, we get curious about core beliefs and how we think, feel, and behave. But in the real world, it’s hard to work through discomfort. It’s hard to ask for a raise, have a hard conversation with a loved one, or grieve a loss with your family. In the real world, working on yourself is really hard. Running it turns out, is a really fabulous playground to unpack and play with the tools you learn in therapy because the stakes are low. Miss a goal in running? It stings but your world is relatively unphased.

The Community

Running connects you to a community of like-minded individuals. When you join a group run, participate in a race, or simply share your running journey online, you become part of a vast network of people who understand the highs and lows of the sport. The Badass Lady Gang online community is a prime example of this. Our community is built on support, encouragement, and shared experiences. Whether you’re a seasoned marathoner or a beginner, you’ll find camaraderie and friendship among fellow runners.

Redefining Strength

Running redefines your relationship with strength. It’s not just about physical endurance; it’s about mental resilience too. You’ll discover muscles you never knew you had and mental fortitude you didn’t know you were capable of. Each run becomes an opportunity to test your limits and build a stronger, more resilient version of yourself. It’s about embracing the journey, with all its ups and downs, and finding strength in every step. And the best part? You learn to work on your relationship to your body image. No more pretending you love your body. You learn that you’re going to have bad body image days and good body image days but what matters most is what you can do in your body.

Space to Think and Heal

Running offers a unique space for reflection and creativity. The rhythmic motion of your feet hitting the pavement can be meditative, providing clarity and perspective on life’s challenges. It’s a time to process thoughts, solve problems, and even find space to work to heal from emotional wounds. Many runners find that their best ideas and breakthroughs come during a run. It’s a moving sanctuary where you can disconnect from the chaos and reconnect with yourself.

Beyond the Races

While races can be exciting and motivating, running isn’t just about the finish line. In fact, many runners never participate in organized races. Running is about the journey, the daily practice, and the joy of movement. It’s about finding freedom in each stride and discovering the beauty of your surroundings. It’s about setting personal goals and achieving them, regardless of whether there’s a medal at the end.

There’s no one-size-fits-all runner

Runners come in all shapes, sizes, ages, and backgrounds. There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to running. Some people find it later in life, while others turn to running as a way to cope with life’s challenges. It’s a sport that welcomes everyone, offering a sense of belonging and acceptance. No matter where you start, running has the power to transform your life.

Getting Through the Initial Weeks

Let’s be real—those first 12 weeks can be tough. Your body is adjusting, your lungs are burning, you’re learning how to both be bored and sit with discomfort, and it can feel like every step is a struggle. But here’s the thing: it gets better. It doesn’t get easier, you get stronger. And when you get stronger, it gets better. Your body starts to adapt, your aerobic capacity improves, and you’ll find yourself running longer and faster with less effort. We call it Forrest Gumping it here at the BALG. The key is consistency and patience. Stick with it, and you’ll be amazed at what you’re capable of.

Train with us

At the Badass Lady Gang, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to hit a new PR, our training resources are designed to help you succeed.

Free 8-week become a runner 5K plan

Looking for help getting started? CLICK HERE and try my free become a runner or get back to running 5K plan. It comes with a PDF plan and audio-guided runs as well!

Training Team

Join our training team for personalized coaching, multiple weekly coaching calls, and a supportive community. Our team helps you stay accountable and motivated throughout your training journey.

Running Plans

Our running plans cater to all experience levels and goals. From beginners aiming for their first 5K to advanced runners training for marathons, we provide structured plans to help you improve safely and effectively.

Strength for Runners Subscription

Our strength for runners subscription offers targeted strength workouts that complement your running training. These workouts help you build the power and resilience needed to run faster and prevent injuries.

Training Experiences

Join our training experiences for immersive programs that include structured training plans, coaching, and community support. These experiences help you achieve specific running goals, such as completing a marathon or improving your 10K time.

Is running worth it?

So, is running worth it? Absolutely. It’s worth every step, every drop of sweat, and every moment of self-doubt if you want it to be. It’s worth the sense of accomplishment, the community, the redefined strength, and the space to think and heal. It’s worth pushing through those tough initial weeks to discover a version of yourself you never knew existed.

But it’s just running. You can find all the above in so many different types of movement. As long as you’re willing to grit it out, be a beginner, struggle, and look silly, you can improve at everything from surfing to golf, tennis, and running. Movement is imperative to our health. So many think that you have to have fun from the start in order to stick with something. That’s not it. It takes time to learn how to do something new. Give it time.

“Slowly is the fastest way to get to where you want to be.”
-André De Shields

Whether you’re running for the joy of movement, the thrill of competition, or the simple pleasure of being outside, running has something to offer everyone. So lace up your shoes, hit the pavement, and embrace the journey. The Badass Lady Gang is here to support you every step of the way. Let’s run strong together.

Join us today and become part of a community that supports and inspires you every step of the way. Let’s make running not just a habit, but a lifestyle.

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Kelly Roberts

Head coach and creator of the Badass Lady Gang, Kelly Roberts’ pre-BALG fitness routine consisted mostly of struggling through the elliptical and trying to shrink her body. It wasn’t until hitting post-college life, poised with a theatre degree, student loans, and the onset of panic, that she found running. Running forced Kelly to ditch perfectionism and stomp out fear of failure. Viral selfies from the nyc half marathon struck a chord with women who could relate to the struggle, and soon the women’s running community Badass Lady Gang was born.

BALG is about enjoying life with a side of running. Kelly’s philosophy measures success by confidence gained, not pounds lost. If you aren’t having fun, it’s time to pivot. Kelly is an RRCA certified coach and has completed Dr. Stacy Sims ‘Women Are Not Small Men’ certification course helping coaches better serve their female athletes. Over the years Kelly has coached thousands of women from brand new runners to those chasing Boston marathon qualifying times, appeared on the cover of Women’s Running Magazine, joined Nike at the Women’s World Cup, and created a worldwide body image empowerment movement called the Sports Bra Squad. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.

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