If You Gained Weight During COVID, READ ME
Gang, I’m Seeing More And More And More Of This Every Day:
“I need to lose the covid 19 pounds I've gained.”
“I have gained so much weight during quarantine.”
“I got fat during the lockdown.”
“I let myself go during quarantine.”
“I need to go on a cleanse to detox from all the carbs I've had during quarantine.”
etc. etc. etc. you get it. you know the script that goes off after years of drinking the poison punch.
I see it in emails asking me what to do.
I see it on instagram. and facebook. and in the application to join ourbadass lady gang online community. (I'm grateful you are open about it. we have to talk about it.)
Let’s all take a big, deep, collective breath because guess what, IT’S OK IF YOU GAINED WEIGHT. IT’S ALSO OK IF YOU DIDN’T. You are where you are and guess what, THAT’S PERFECT.
I LOVE YOU BREAD. (Remember when we could be outside without feeling afraid for our lives? Those were the days.)
Food can be a source of comfort. The amount of pasta I ate at the start of this hell made me feel good. And then, I jumped on the sourdough train! Food made me feel good when I was scared out of my mind. Being in New York City during COVID-19 was REALLY, REALLY SCARY. I too gained weight! And I don’t say that with an ounce of judgment or regret. Food helped me. I ate to survive. I ate what felt right. I stopped running as much because it didn’t feel good to run 30-40 miles a week. Some weeks, I barely got 20 miles a week.
I enjoyed the break. I moved in ways that felt good and I didn’t stress about “not doing enough”.
Most of us aren’t moving in the ways we normally are. Cut yourself a break. I need you to pay attention to when and why you beat yourself up for gaining weight. Be extra conscious of what you’re saying to yourself about your weight right now. ASK YOURSELF WHY. Just because you gained weight doesn’t mean this is you forever. PLOT TWIST—You may gain more weight! You may lose some weight! That’s ok.
But PLEASE don’t diet right now. OR EVER. The last thing you need to do is starve yourself. Eat to fuel your body. Move in ways that make you feel strong and healthy.
It’s never been more important to be proactive about your health and wellness. That means both physically and mentally. That means finding ways to get some sleep. (Have you ever tried meditating? NOW IS THE TIME.) If you can, now is a GREAT time to talk to a mental health professional. Find ways to manage the anxiety, fear, and depression that comes with surviving a global pandemic. Fuel your body to help you stay strong and survive. Be kind to yourself. And get active in ways that empower you.
Is it fun to run right now? Not always. Most days, it’s a big ol’ struggle. Between the unemployment, uncertainty, pandemic, social unrest, racism, death and loss, and just a general fear our well being and YES, IT CAN BE HARD TO FIND PEACE AND JOY ON THE RUN.
But on those days when you’re really struggling to either get motivated or get through an extra tough workout, remember why you want to run or workout. REMEMBER, that you have to start where you are. If you’re used to training for a half marathon or marathon, it’s hard to barely get through 2 or 3 miles. If you’re just getting started, WELL, THAT SHIT IS HARD WITH OR WITHOUT A PANDEMIC. TOUGH, but not impossible. STICK WITH IT. KEEP GOING. ONE FOOT IN FRONT OF THE OTHER.
Just know that you’re not alone.
MANY of us are struggling to find the motivation to move or fight the urge to compare where we are today to where we used to be. Don’t. COME AS YOU ARE.
If you’re feeling really unmotivated, you’re not alone.
You have to remember why you’re doing it. Visualize how you feel afterward. That sense of accomplishment. The chance to just be outside, alone with your thoughts. Or with a friend in your close circle. Or connected to the greater BALG. THAT is what we’re chasing. That feeling you get when you know you gave yourself your best.
Your best is not tied to a pants size, number on a scale, or amount of calories or miles you can run.
10 minutes. On the days when I’m really struggling, I tell myself I’m just going to walk or run for 10 minutes. Then, I have the choice to walk back home, keep walking, or keep running. Some days, I take tons of walking breaks. Other days, I only need a few. But yall! I’ve only ran more than 5 miles without stopping to walk twice since March.
In the moments when I feel like crap, I take a big, deep breath, remind myself that' it’s OK that running is a huge struggle right now. Then, I start listing what I’m grateful for. I remember why I want to run and push through the discomfort.
It’s never easy.
But guess what, it’s easier than suffering through these “unprecedented times” without running. (Raise your hand if you want to light your hair on fire when anyone says “unprecedented times”. ME TOO.)
It looks like we’re in for another year of this. THIS is our new normal.
So if you’re feeling off, set a goal and start moving and fueling your body because you love it. Not because you hate it, feel ashamed of it, or because you feel like you need to lose weight to be "better”, “prettier”, “sexier”, or “healthier”.
That means that sometimes, you’ll gain weight. or move less. It's not healthy to workout like a crazy person every single day of your life for years on end.
Balance. you deserve it.
Food is food. There is no good food or bad food.
Remember, your mental health is just as important as your physical health.
You’re not alone in this. one day at a time.
You’re the best version of you because you’re the only version of you. Just keep giving yourself your best. That's your only job right now.