What People are Saying.
“I joined the BALG online community in early 2020. The Team membership has been a wonderful option for those that want flexibility and access to the training plans. The training plans are the REAL DEAL!
As someone who has used one-size-fits-all training plans on various apps and websites with mixed results, I can honestly say that Coach Kelly’s plans have helped me succeed at my distance and pace goals. Having access to Coach Kelly to ask her questions has turned those training plans into a real coaching experience. And, she doesn’t treat anyone differently -- you can be a sub 3:00 hr marathoner or a 6+ hr marathoner -- we are ALL runners. Joining the team has also given me an opportunity to invest in my well-being. Coach Kelly also emphasizes the mental game of running along with strength training.
I have access to guided runs, a journal, strength training videos, in addition to the many different levels of training plans.
Everything I’ve learned through running with this group has also taught me so much about myself and about life. I am so thankful to be part of the BALG.”
- Alyssa P.
“I’ve been a runner for four years. Covid totally threw a wrench into my routine, including my running.
I joined the BALG winter 2021 running group looking for some extra motivation to start running again. What I found was an incredible group of women cheering me on virtually every step of the way. I’ve learned so much about myself while running with the BALG, most importantly that I can do way more than I give myself credit for. I’ve found my joy for running again and cannot thank the BALG enough.”
- Sarah M.
“I started following the BALG when I saw Kelly speaking about the sports bra squad. I was sold. The whole idea that we should not be ashamed of our bodies is something that I have been striving for myself and something I wanted to teach my daughter.
When Covid happened I decided that this was my time to get out of my comfort zone and work on myself. I have always loved to run, and figured it would help me shed the weight for my wedding, but I never knew how to train. I started with the 5K training and then decided my goal was a half. What started as a "weight-loss" goal ended with me gaining my confidence, an endless support of BADASS Women, the knowledge that I am in a strong and incredible body, and the powerful example that I am showing my daughter she can do anything no matter age, size or athletic ability. I am and will forever be eternally grateful for this group and Kelly.”
- Saige B.
“The Badass Lady Gang is full of amazing women, working towards all sorts of different goals and cheering each other on through the whole journey. As someone who ran in middle and high school,
I didn't realize how much I had missed that TEAM aspect of running until I joined the BALG. Even though we're spread all throughout the country and world, I know I've got a team cheering me on through the amazing runs and the tough runs and everything in between!”
- Maddie B.

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Join a community that makes health a lifestyle, not a look.