How To Start A Badass lady Gang Chapter
Are you looking to build community and create a fun and inclusive space for women to run? Here is how you can bring the Badass lady Gang to a city near you!
Badass lady Gang™️ was created to be your safe haven in the fitness world! We know that getting active can be expensive, intimidating, lonely, and fueled by judgment. BALG was created by and for women so that we can find joy in the struggle.
our local balg chapters don’t offer your typical group runs. We foster a safe, inclusive, and supportive community made by and for women where we can come together and get active in ways we actually enjoy FOR FREE.
Because our BALG chapters are run by volunteer leaders, we want to make sure that all potential chapter leaders understand just how much work being a BALG leader is before any prospective applicant is granted permission to start a local BALG chapter.
Being a BALG chapter leader is a labor of love. Prospective chapter leaders must have spare time and a passion for community building. If you are a personal trainer, running coach or small business owner looking to expand your clientele or use this as an opportunity to leverage yourself or your services, leading a Badass Lady Gang chapter isn’t for you.
**Before we get started, make sure there isn't already a chapter in your city. If there is, JOIN THEM. The best way to become a leader of your local BALG is to regularly attend and become a core member of your city’s BALG chapter.**
Submitting an application does not grant you permission to start an official Badass Lady Gang in your area.
Here’s what you can expect as a BALG Leader:
Time Commitment. You will be expected to lead one regular group run every single week. Same place. Same time. Every single week for one entire year. If you do not have the flexibility and time to lead a group run every week for one year, please do not apply to start a Badass Lady Gang chapter.
The Run. The BALG is community first and a fun run second. Because we’re open to women of all athletic levels, your community and weekly runs need to be as fun and inclusive for someone who has never run a day in their life as it is for an experienced runners.
Our runs are created so that runners are never outside of yelling range from one another. Think 100 yard or 1/4 mile loops or out and backs. NO ONE is ever left behind. There is no first place or last place at our meetups. We don’t offer different pace groups. NO ONE is ever to be made to feel like they are too slow or too fast to get a great and fun workout. Everything takes place in a contained space where everyone is interacting with one another.
Growing your Badass Lady Gang. Not only will you host your weekly run, but your job as a grassroots community builder is to connect with people in your city to spread the word about your chapter. From collaborating with other fitness movements, stores and establishments, to volunteering at local races and with organizations that align with our mission, getting out and into the community to grow your chapter is a must. If you aren’t active in your community or find the idea of reaching out to strangers intimidating, leading a BALG isn’t for you. You MUST be someone who is willing to go the extra mile (LITERALLY) and think creatively to connect and grow your chapter.
The most fun meetups are ones that have tons of badass ladies showing up regularly. In order to make that happen, you must promote, invite, and encourage people in person and online to join your Badass Lady Gang chapter. The more women you have showing up, the more fun you’re all going to have connecting and growing the movement.
Co-Leader. All local BALG Chapters are required to have 2 co-leaders. Leading a BALG is a huge undertaking and having a co-leader to lean on for support and share the responsibilities with is required.
Social Media. All prospective leaders must be confident on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and our online community Mighty Network.
If you are training for a race and don’t have spare time, being a leader isn’t for you.
Our leaders do not workout during BALG meetups. You are there to make sure that everyone feels safe, supported, and inspired to show up not only for themselves but for the entire BALG community. You will be running around, but you will not be participating in the workout.
If you aren’t all in and excited about a volunteer part-time job to create community, leading the Badass Lady Gang isn’t for you.
If you travel often, work long hours, do not have a flexible schedule, or know that you won’t be able to make it to every single run, leading the BALG isn’t for you.
BALG Probation Period
Still think that both you and your co-leader are ready and willing to commit to everything that’s laid out above? GREAT! Your next step is to start building your local community! All prospective local BALG chapters MUST COMPLETE a probation period where they are to host at least 6, weekly workouts.
During your probation period, we want to see:
1. That you and your co-leader understand the commitment necessary to lead a BALG Chapter.
2. That you and your co-leader can grow your community before becoming an official Badass Lady Gang chapter without using the Badass Lady Gang name. After every workout during your probation period, take a group picture. We’re looking for at least 6 group pictures over the course of 6-weeks where you steadily grew attendance.
After you host your sixth BALG Workout and if both you and co-leader are ready to apply to become an official local BALG chapter, fill out the BALG Chapter Application below. In this application, we will get to know who you are, what you do, what the BALG means to you, why you want to lead a BALG in your area, and what you’ve learned over the last 6 weeks. In the application, we will ask you to attach all 6 group photos from your meetups.
After you’ve filled out your application, you’ll hear back from team BALG within 7 days to set up a Zoom meeting with both co-leaders and founder Kelly Roberts. There, we’ll talk more about your 6-week probation period, why you want to lead a BALG, and decide if more time is needed, and what your next steps are.
Questions? Email us here.