Sports Bra Squad Day Returns July 24th

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Mark your calendars because on July 24th, the Badass Lady Gang is coming together to celebrate our strength because it’s Global Sports Bra Squad Day!

For so many women, the thought of running in a sports bra is terrifying. 

The #SportsBraSquad is so much more than a movement that encourages you to ditch your shirt and run in your sports bra. It’s about representation, finding comfort when you’re getting active, and providing the tools you need to examine how living in a world that profits off of our self-hate influences our self-assurance and body image. 

This year, we aren’t just throwing a fun run to celebrate our community and all the ways our bodies help us kick ass and take names, we’re shining a spotlight on the systems that influence the way we see and feel about ourselves and stops us from living, thriving, and being the women we want to be.  

The sports bra squad is a movement dedicated to redefining what it means to be strong.  And strength doesn’t look a certain way. Strength is a feeling. 

The #sportsbrasquad isn’t about forcing anyone to do anything they aren’t comfortable with. Whether your run in a shirt or sports bra, the goal is the same: To see women of all different shapes and sizes showing up for themselves and their communities not because they want to make their bodies smaller, but because they love how it makes them feel: STRONG. And connected. Because we’re all about community here in the Badass Lady Gang. And it’s a hell of a lot easier to face those fears when you’re surrounded by supportive women!

The #SportsBraSquad is a movement that has given us a way to say:

-If you’re out there doing the damn thing, sweating your ass off, and finding yourself self-objectifying or beating yourself up at the thought of ditching your shirt, you’re not alone.

-If you’re afraid of the harassment you’ll receive from men if you run in your sports bra, you aren’t alone. 

 -If you’re tired of hiding your body because you’ve been told your whole life that it’s something to be ashamed of, you’re not alone.

-If you feel insecure about running in your sports bra because you have a hard time finding a truly supportive sports bra, you’re not alone. 

- If you’re tired of feeling like you’ll never be enough, you’re not alone.

No one wins because the game is rigged!

So join the Badass Lady Gang on July 24th to run in whatever you’d like, sports bra or shirt, and celebrate our strength! Wear whatever makes you feel strong because the #sportsbrasquad is about coming together, getting loud, taking up space, and celebrating our bodies for all the ways they help us kick ass and take names.

Kelly Roberts

Head coach and creator of the Badass Lady Gang, Kelly Roberts’ pre-BALG fitness routine consisted mostly of struggling through the elliptical and trying to shrink her body. It wasn’t until hitting post-college life, poised with a theatre degree, student loans, and the onset of panic, that she found running. Running forced Kelly to ditch perfectionism and stomp out fear of failure. Viral selfies from the nyc half marathon struck a chord with women who could relate to the struggle, and soon the women’s running community Badass Lady Gang was born.

BALG is about enjoying life with a side of running. Kelly’s philosophy measures success by confidence gained, not pounds lost. If you aren’t having fun, it’s time to pivot. Kelly is an RRCA certified coach and has completed Dr. Stacy Sims ‘Women Are Not Small Men’ certification course helping coaches better serve their female athletes. Over the years Kelly has coached thousands of women from brand new runners to those chasing Boston marathon qualifying times, appeared on the cover of Women’s Running Magazine, joined Nike at the Women’s World Cup, and created a worldwide body image empowerment movement called the Sports Bra Squad. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.

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