So You Signed Up To Run A Half Marathon...Now What?

Getting ready to run your first half marathon? Casually having a panic attack because you don’t think you can run a half marathon? Frantically googling, 'How to run a half marathon'? Not sure where to start? In need of half marathon training advice? Hi, I'm Kelly. I'm the former President of the 'I F*cking Hate Running Club' and I'm here to help you train for and crush your first half marathon.


1. GET A running PLAN.

The first thing you need when you’re getting ready to train for a half marathon is a training plan. You can find PLENTY of free options online or, you can invest in a plan that will offer you more of an experience. I created my running plans to provide runners with a strength training plan, an adaptive running plan in VDOT, and journal prompts and in-app messages to help you develop your mental game. Because running a marathon is TERRIFYING and taking the opportunity to develop self-efficacy and define some process goals (Your Why) will make the entire experience a hell of a lot more fun.

Check out my 12-week half marathon running plans! CLICK HERE.



Can you train alone? YES! Should you? NO. It’s so much more fun when you get to train with your Badass Lady Gang! Peer pressure is a beautiful thing! Convince your best friend, co-worker, mom, Aunt, Grandma, neighbor, or find your local Badass Lady Gang and find some friends to train with. Is no one interested? Join our online Badass Lady Gang community and find some accountabilibuddies. Running your first half is intimidating. Having a BALG to commiserate with makes it all so much more fun.



The BEST way to treat injuries is to PREVENT THEM. PREHAB is the name of the game when you’re running a half marathon!

TLDR: We all run like kooks and injuries are inevitable. MOST OF US can get through with little speed bumps. (Runner’s knee, tight hip flexors, TFL’s, or IT Band syndrome. Maybe a case of plantar’s fasciitis or shin splints.)

Injuries SUCK.

So, do what you can to PREVENT THEM.

That means strength work (body weight or with weights) 2-3 days a week and if you have access to a physical therapist, GO. (Try to see one who sees runners or endurance athletes. Doctors who don’t understand runners love to tell you that running is bad for you and won’t help you.)

Do you have to do strength work? No. We all know runners who have never been hurt and have never done a squat in their life. But that’s not the norm. DO YOUR STRENGTH WORK.



Part torture device, part injury prevention device, the foam roller is going to become your new frenemy. Pro-tip, don’t use it as a pillow. Use it for 5 minutes a day before and/or after you go for a run. Or before you go to bed.

Just 5-minutes.

Not sure what you’re doing? There are plenty of YouTube videos! Investigate.

In need of a foam roller? This one by Trigger Point is my favorite.



If you’re going to invest in anything, get two good sports bras. Everything else you’ll figure out along the way. Do you need the most expensive shoes out there? No. I ran my first half marathon in shoes that I later learned were 2.5 sizes too small.

Things you may want to look into Spibelt or Flip belt to hold your treasures on the run (keys, credit cards, phone, etc.), long shorts, sports bra, handheld water bottle, and performance socks. NO COTTON ANYTHING.)



Speaking of no cotton anything, CHAFE CREAM IS YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND. If you love it, lube it.

Not sure which chafe cream to get? CLICK HERE.

Pro tip: Use KT tape on your bra line to prevent chafing.



The hardest part about running a half marathon is training for a half marathon.

But here’s the thing, all you can do is your best. Do that every single day. Just give your best effort.

Running is about learning how to trust your strength. It’s about being alone with your thoughts or trusting that you’re so much stronger than you think.

Trust your training plan, don’t worry about what’s to come, just focus on right now.

Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re probably right.



This. Shit. Is. Hard.

Running never gets easier, you just get stronger.

Don’t worry about having everything figured out. Or not knowing what the hell you’re doing.

It’s running. Just put one foot in front of the other and do what you can. That’s all you can do.

Pro tip: The sooner you can flip the script from “I have to do this” to “I want to run”, the easier everything will be. Running is a choice. Running this half marathon is a choice. Define what it means to you and why you want to do it. Then focus on that whenever you’re struggling to get out the door. Or when you are crying on a street corner. Running is hard. But you’re strong.

bike beside you.gif


FIND THE FUN. It is your job to find the fun because it is going to be really, really hard. If that’s dance breaks, DANCE. If that means stepping outside of your comfort zone and joining a running group or your local Badass Lady Gang, DO THAT.


One of my favorite things to do is recruit my friends to ride bikes with me on my long runs. They bring a speaker and we chat, sing, and just have an all-around great time. Is it always fun? No. But having them there makes it easier to move through a rough patch instead of stewing in it.

Running is hard.

Running with friends is fun.

Running your first half marathon can feel totally terrifying. That’s half the fun. Just remember, the time is going to fly by and if there’s anything you can expect, it’s the unexpected. Every Sunday, grab your calendar and physically write down when, where, what time, and why you are getting that run or workout in. (Focus on that why piece. It’s going to help.)

Then, give yourself your best effort. Do that and you’ll be crossing that finish line before you know it.

Kelly Roberts

Head coach and creator of the Badass Lady Gang, Kelly Roberts’ pre-BALG fitness routine consisted mostly of struggling through the elliptical and trying to shrink her body. It wasn’t until hitting post-college life, poised with a theatre degree, student loans, and the onset of panic, that she found running. Running forced Kelly to ditch perfectionism and stomp out fear of failure. Viral selfies from the nyc half marathon struck a chord with women who could relate to the struggle, and soon the women’s running community Badass Lady Gang was born.

BALG is about enjoying life with a side of running. Kelly’s philosophy measures success by confidence gained, not pounds lost. If you aren’t having fun, it’s time to pivot. Kelly is an RRCA certified coach and has completed Dr. Stacy Sims ‘Women Are Not Small Men’ certification course helping coaches better serve their female athletes. Over the years Kelly has coached thousands of women from brand new runners to those chasing Boston marathon qualifying times, appeared on the cover of Women’s Running Magazine, joined Nike at the Women’s World Cup, and created a worldwide body image empowerment movement called the Sports Bra Squad. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.

Should you hire a running coach?


Sports Bra Squad Day Returns July 24th