Advice Runners Wish They Had Before Training For Their First Half Marathon


Running your first half marathon can be terrifying, intimidating, overwhelming, and EXHILARATING.

But we get it…it’s mostly scary! Will you be able to finish? Will you be picked up by the struggle bus? If you fall…will someone pause your Garmin?!?!

If you’re feeling nervous about training for your first half marathon (or surviving it), the Badass Lady Gang is here to calm those pre-race and pre-training nerves, doubts, and fears! Here’s the advice the BALG wishes they would have gotten before training for their first half marathons.

“It’s okay to be a little scared. Take it one run at a time.” - @IlianaG125

“Get yourself some super fun shoes and gear that you’re excited to put on every time.” -NicholeJohnson3

“Breathe!!! It will work out.” -Mika_Runs

“Find the fun! If you don’t smile at least once per run, reassess.” - @EricaTisser

“Don’t drink a whole bunch the night before your long run or the night of.” -@MikaPad92

“Train hard but don’t worry so much. You’ll make it! AND, adrenaline helps SO MUCH.” - @Rachel_Gerard

“Work with a team, strength train, and cross-train!!! Don’t be so hard on yourself.” - @LinzelCakes

“Just worry about the mile that you’re in - not the end of the run or the run next week.” -@LibbyAnelson

“Take it slow. Don’t get ahead of yourself.” -@KquinnManning

“Be flexible and take credit for time on your feet! Done > Perfect. Adjust and follow through.” - @outdoorswithmel

“Always listen to your body.” - @yogawithalyson_

“Don’t go your longest distance ever without fueling. Calories are life! Also, DO STRENGTH WORK.” - @t-lidlob

“You can do hard things. Keep going.” - @mvylonis


“Just go!” - @annagund

“DO NOT FOCUS ON WEIGHT LOSS. YOU’LL GET INJURED. Get to race day healthy.” - @efduchek

“Trust the process! The challenging 5-mile “long-run” gets easier as you get stronger.” - @kashirath

“It’s going to be okay, you’re not going to die! It’s scary but we can do this together.” - @Caseygospodarek

“Slow down on your long runs.” - @katiecjames1

“Do not compare your race to your friend’s races. You kick ass.” - @zwiebez

“Not every run will feel “good”. That doesn’t mean you are doing “bad". Keep going!” - @crosen_5

"Buy running clothes that are comfortable for you!” - @torifaye

“Make sure your running shoes actually fit.” - @k.taylor.claussen

“You can run commando if that’s more comfortable for you!” - @annaonmycup

“You’re stronger than you know! And don’t wear new shorts on race day!” -@maddierunsonveggies

“Be kind to yourself…it’s ok not to love the entire process. Bad days are still progress.” - @ejmathieson

“Have a dope playlist/song selection ready for the last 3 miles.” - @athamblett

“You do not need to prove you can run 13 miles BEFORE the race.” - @bookendrunner

“Not bringing water/fuel doesn’t make you a ‘real runner’. Bring the water!” - @nickistraford

“Find your pre-run breakfast and stick with it!“ - @katemb74

“You don’t have to follow the schedule perfectly- you’ll be okay if you don’t.” -

“Use ALL the body glide!” - @Runninglilchashew

“It’s okay to walk if you need to!” - @chocoindulgentrd

“Dump your stupid college boyfriend that doesn’t think you’re fast or thin enough. you’re a runner. He’s an ass.” - @Erin.mimi.b

“As a woman, you’re taught to put others first. Training is a way to finally put yourself first. Do it.” - @siegzzee007

“Find friends to run with! Everything is more fun with friends.” - @siegzzee007

“Drink more water!” - @mcsquared29

“Write things down! Stop and take pictures during runs!” - @louisec52

“Actually do the training. And believe that you belong in the running world.” - @mhann2013

SEE!? Look at all of that great advice! If there’s one thing you can count on when training for a half marathon, it’s that life will throw curveballs your way. Expect the unexpected! Imperfect training will still result in transformational, fun, and incredible race days! Just remember, running the half marathon on race day is the victory lap! It’s all about the process during your training journey. There’s no such thing as the right time to get started. Just today. Today is always the day to give yourself your personal best. Do that, and there’s no way in hell you can fail!

If you’re looking for a half marathon training plan, don’t worry! The Badass Lady Gang has got you covered. Whether you get an annual membership to the Badass Lady Gang Training Team for year-round support, a training experience for hands-on coaching and the support of a team, or one of our adaptive running plans, every single program is designed by and for women to meet you where you are and help you cross the finish line with a huge, giant smile.

And don’t forget to head over to our online community to make some new friends and talk all things running! From tips, tricks, crowd-sourcing ideas, to finding folks to commiserate and train with, our free BALG online community is the most inclusive online running community around!

So get out there and kick ass and take names gang! You’ve got this.

Kelly Roberts

Head coach and creator of the Badass Lady Gang, Kelly Roberts’ pre-BALG fitness routine consisted mostly of struggling through the elliptical and trying to shrink her body. It wasn’t until hitting post-college life, poised with a theatre degree, student loans, and the onset of panic, that she found running. Running forced Kelly to ditch perfectionism and stomp out fear of failure. Viral selfies from the nyc half marathon struck a chord with women who could relate to the struggle, and soon the women’s running community Badass Lady Gang was born.

BALG is about enjoying life with a side of running. Kelly’s philosophy measures success by confidence gained, not pounds lost. If you aren’t having fun, it’s time to pivot. Kelly is an RRCA certified coach and has completed Dr. Stacy Sims ‘Women Are Not Small Men’ certification course helping coaches better serve their female athletes. Over the years Kelly has coached thousands of women from brand new runners to those chasing Boston marathon qualifying times, appeared on the cover of Women’s Running Magazine, joined Nike at the Women’s World Cup, and created a worldwide body image empowerment movement called the Sports Bra Squad. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.

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